06 June 2022



Review by Paul Towers, 6/6/22

Cluedo by Sandy Rustin based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn

Directed by Mark Bell

Produced by Kilimanjaro Theatricals, Gabriel Creative Ptnrs, The Acarca Group & Lively McCabe Ent.

At Curve til Saturday 11th June 2022

“an hilarious, over-acted piece of nonsense”

This is “a British play based on an American play, based on an American film, based on a British board game”. The board game we can all probably recall from family Christmases of yester year. It was invented in 1949 and this production wisely retains the period feel. Reminiscent of a spoof of an Agatha Christie country house murder Cluedo plays it for broad (very broad) laughs right from the beginning. In Jean-Luke Worrell as the butler, Wadsworth, the production has found a positive master of physical comedy. Unsurprisingly Worrell cut his West End teeth in The Comedy About A Bank Robbery. Michelle Collins’ understudy, Meg Travers, was on as Miss Scarlett and Georgia Bradley took Mrs White’s part.

The set is a typical multi-doored country house but with a twist. Various parts of the walls open out like origami to reveal other rooms. This makes for much well choreographed entrances and exits to good comic effect.

Obviously I am not going to say whodunnit, even if I was completely sure who did do it. Which I am not. Suffice to say this is an hilarious, over-acted piece of nonsense which will leave you giggling to yourself as you stumble out into the summer night

Cluedo runs at Curve until Saturday 11th June and then continues to tour






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