10 September 2024

Witness For The Prosecution

Review by Paul Towers, 9/9/24

Witness For The Prosecution by Agatha Christie

Directed by Ruth Cheetham

Produced by Leicester Drama Society (LDS)

At The Little Theatre until Saturday 14th September 2024

Witness For The Prosecution is arguably Agatha Christie’s perfect theatre production. Originating as a short story called Traitor’s Hands in 1925 it eventually was expanded to become the story we see on stage now. In typical Christie fashion the story has multiple plot twists and red herrings as the tale is played out mainly in the Old Bailey Court.

In 1953 wealthy Emily French is murdered. The newspapers carry appeals for witnesses and Leonard Vole (Freddie Dobrijevic) comes forward to protest his innocence. He is under suspicion because he has been visiting the elderly Miss French who has recently altered her will to make him her sole beneficiary.

The first act is taken up with Vole explaining to his brief Mr Mayhew (Jon Worthy) and Sir Wilfred Robarts QC (David Lovell) how he couldn’t possibly be guilty as he was at home with his wife Romaine (Leeann Rana). The full story is then explained in open court and witnesses start to be called as the prosecution outlines its case led by Mr Myers QC (Charles Moss).

In the second act, as the case continues, more witnesses are called and the plot twists ramp up until there are more red herrings than a Norwegian Fishing Trawler!

David Lovell’s Sir Wilfred has the showiest part as he tries to demolish the prosecution’s case while Leeanna Rana’s Romaine does a fine turn as a Germanic hysteric.

As is usual LDS have launched their new season with an Agatha Christie and Witness’s big cast is perfect for introducing lots of newer members to the stage.

Running til Saturday 14th September Witness For The Prosecution is prime Christie. Grab a ticket and see if you can work out who dunnit. I bet you can’t.

Pics: Sally Evans



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