10 October 2017


Review by: Paul Towers, 10 October 2017
Debris by Louise White
Upstairs @ The Western, 10 October 2017

“bravura  performance

Can depression be anything but heartbreaking? Yes, when it is in the hands of Louise White. In a gentle, sometimes amusing and always insightful narrative this is the story of a mental collapse and a subsequent …. recovery?
Louise’s breakdown was triggered by her controlling and emotionally bullying ex-boyfriend. What followed was a slow but steady climb back up the ladder from her depression to a point where she is now able to sustain a relationship and manage her occasional health dips. In this performance we get an insight into her thoughts, delusions and coping mechanisms.
The stage is cluttered with boxes marked for their contents; dreams, depression, Falmouth etc. all contributions to her mental health, either positive or negative. When the ‘black dog’ of depression does descend it is represented by a large bundle of black balloons tied to her; a floating, tethered cloud of blackness.
This bravura  performance was all the more so as it is obviously very autobiographical and soul bearing.
Details of further performances and other work of Louise White can be found on www.louisewhitetheatrician.com

Upstairs at The Western http://upstairsatthewestern.com/
First published on Western Gazette
and Pub Theatres 

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