16 November 2018


Review by: Paul Towers, 16 November 2018
Bleach by Dan Ireland-Reeves
Upstairs @ The Western, 16 November 2018

“the hostile world of male sex workers in London.”

Upstairs at The Western continues to schedule works that challenge and engage audiences.
Bleach is the latest work from multi award winning writer/actor Dan Ireland-Reeves.
Written and performed by the author this is an ultimately horrific tale of a young man caught up in the dark and hostile world of male sex workers in London.
Tyler Everett thinks that by escaping from the boring banality of his mother’s flat in the Midlands he can find fulfilment and a lavish lifestyle in London. Drawn into a world of drugs and increasingly dangerous paid sexual encounters, Tyler’s life spirals downward out of control.
The set is a large white plastic sheet littered with the accoutrements of the sex worker which Tyler packs into his backpack every day as he sets out to earn his money. To keep the boredom and tedium of his job at bay he resorts to Viagra and Cocaine increasingly. As his drug use escalates he finds it hard to distinguish between what has really happened and what is fantasy.
Dan Ireland-Reeves is an engaging writer and actor who draws us into the murky underbelly of London’s sordid nightlife in what should be a cautionary tale for anyone thinking that the streets of London are paved with gold.
More details of this and Dan’s other work can be found at www.danirelandreeves.co.uk/

Upstairs at The Western http://upstairsatthewestern.com/

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